Conditions of access and application

In L1 TEE:our program is open via Parcoursup to all students with a baccalauréat who took at least one of the following specializations in their final year of high school: Life and Earth Sciences, Physics-Chemistry, Mathematics. Taking two of these three specialties is the ideal way to enter our bachelor's degree program.

L2 STEE:our course is open to students who have not taken an L1 TEE at the University of Montpellier. It is open to all students from a first year of a scientific bachelor's degree (in particular an L1 SV-SE with optional TU in Earth Sciences), a CPGE, or a first year of health studies (PASS). Students with a BTS or DUT may also be admitted to L2, provided that the content of their training is well suited to the TEE license.

L2 CME-SVT: access is by by applicationincluding students who have completed L1 TEE or SVSE at the University of Montpellier. This course is designed for students with a diversified background in Life Sciences and Earth Sciences, and is limited to around twenty students.

In L3 STEE: our course is open to students who have completed a course in Earth and Water Sciences at another university, and, depending on the case, to students with a BTS or DUT in Earth Sciences.

L3 GPTP:this course is open to students who have completed an L2 or L3 course in Earth and Water Sciences at another university in France, or who hold a DUT or BTS in environmental, water and pollution management.

You want to apply for L1 TEE: apply via Parcoursup and choose directly the Earth-Water-Environment portal of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Montpellier.

You want to apply for one of the three L2 or L3 courses: apply from April-May via the University of Montpellier's e-candidat application.

If you are a foreign student applying for L1 TEE or one of the three L2 or L3 courses, and you are currently studying in one of the countries included in the "Study in France" perimeter, apply via the "Study in France" application.