The Earth - Water - Environment Teaching Department offers training courses on how our planet works, to improve its management and understand the risks and natural resources involved.
It is supported by four major research structures: theOSU OREME, the GM - Géosciences Montpellier laboratory, the HSM - Hydrosciences Montpellier laboratory and the ISEM - Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier research laboratories under the supervision of UM, CNRS, IRD, ENSAM, IRSTEA and EPHE.
The Floating University of the GHASS2 oceanographic campaign
Campaign on submarine instabilities and fluid circulation in Black Sea sediments
6 Master's students (including 2 students from Montpellier's Geology of Exploration and Reservoirs Master's program) will be taking part in scientific activities on board the Pourquoi Pas? (a vessel in the French oceanographic fleet) until September 04.