Water Resource pathway

The Water Resource pathway offers multidisciplinary, scientific and applied training, particularly in hydrology and hydrogeology, with the option for students to specialize in one or other of these major fields.

Semester 1 (S1) is mainly multi-disciplinary, with cross-disciplinary teaching across the entire Water Science specialization; it enables students to acquire the fundamentals in all areas of Water Science. Specialization takes place through options starting in semester 2 (S2), but it is mainly during semesters 3 and 4 (S3 and S4) that students will specialize and refine their professional project, and put it into practice through their internship.

Nearly half of the courses involve hands-on practice in the field, in the experimental room or on the computer, in small groups. Specialized courses range from in situ data acquisition to analysis, interpretation and modeling. These courses also involve professionals from the public sector (Water Agencies, Syndicats Mixtes, Communauté de communes, metropolises) and the private sector (VSEs, SMEs, major groups, etc.), as well as from the research sector (University, IRD, CNRS, etc.).

These courses enable students to acquire the skills needed to :

Assess vulnerability and optimize the various uses of water resources,

Estimate and manage water-related risks (flooding, pollution, severe low-water levels),

Characterize the sustainability of this resource from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, in response to climatic and environmental changes.

Develop cross-disciplinary skills essential to any manager in the water sciences field (project management, written and oral communication, English....).

Master Eau Ressource brochure

Course brochure

Presentation of the Water Resources Master